A Guide for Midlife: Navigating the Six Universal Crises

Midlife will occur differently to everyone but you now have the opportunity to change what can be a crisis into a more complete and purposeful life, says a new book, A Guide for Midlife – Navigating the Six Universal Crises, written by McKenzie Magee.

“It is important to understand what a midlife crisis has to offer,” says Magee. The author has a unique approach on how to meet the challenges of surviving and thriving in your 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s.

Magee’s book offers valuable advice from her own midlife crisis and the personal experiences of others. She calls upon science, psychology, astrology, and spirituality in order to Continue reading “A Guide for Midlife: Navigating the Six Universal Crises”

Follow Your SOUL to Avoid Midlife Crisis

‘Tis the Set of the Sail — or — One Ship Sails East

Ella Wheeler Wilcox 1916

But to every mind there openeth,
A way, and way, and away,
A high soul climbs the highway,
And the low soul gropes the low,
And in between on the misty flats,
The rest drift to and fro.

But to every man there openeth,
A high way and a low,
And every mind decideth,
The way his soul shall go.

One ship sails East,
And another West,
By the self-same winds that blow,
‘Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
That tells the way we go.

Like the winds of the sea
Are the waves of time,
As we journey along through life,
‘Tis the set of the soul,
That determines the goal,
And not the calm or the strife.

Midlife Transition : 5 great books to read

1. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre was the first novel that really moved me and surprised me as a woman. I think this is true for a lot of female readers. Jane Eyre is told from the point of view of a 12-year-old girl in a dreadful situation. She’s an orphan who is adopted by a cruel bunch of people and sent to a horrible boarding school. So it’s about travail, but more importantly, it’s about coming through travail. Jane is a very brave, bold, upstanding girl who always seems able to defend herself, even in terrible situations.

What this book meant to me was that Continue reading “Midlife Transition : 5 great books to read”

Online Spiritual Life Coach for Midlife

What does it mean to be a spiritual life coach? And why is it different for those in midlife?
I have found by working with people of all ages, that most people who haven’t yet reached the age of at least 40, aren’t yet ready to hear the spiritual truths that make a difference to their lives in midlife.

What do I mean by that? Well, for one- take the concept of moving from ambition to meaning. Most people, according to adult development theorists and attested to by my personal experience, spend the first half of their lives trying to ‘get’ somewhere, attempting to ‘prove’ something. They climb the corporate ladder, or they strive to be the next millionaire, or buy the biggest house on the block and drive the latest foreign made luxury car. And that is as it should be. Or at least as it has been for centuries. The first half of our lives are dedicated to the material side of life. These years are dedicated to becoming someone, to having things and to achievement. They are usually peppered with lots of hard work and effort and goal setting and making things happen. And, it works.

Then, one day, often without notice, the roof caves in. A divorce takes place. Or, you are overlooked for the obvious promotion. Or you are laid off from a job you’ve labored at for 20 or more years. You get bored with the status quo and bored with the constant climb. Your body no longer serves you the way it used to and your desires and even libido seem to be diminishing. Two choices are before you at this point – one points to crisis and the other to transformation.

Crisis is actually the easy way out. People have midlife crises as an excuse to not do the work that the midlife transition calls for. This is when they most need the help of a spiritual life coach. Other life coaches helped them along the way to ‘achieve’ and to be responsible and create. Each week or month, they were tasked with the next step and held accountable to do it. A spiritual life coach is a whole new experience. It’s a person who helps you relax and stop the chase. It’s someone who understands the dark night of the soul as an entry point into a whole new way of being, rather than a beginning of the end. A spiritual life coach sees midlife – as the time of the soul. A true guide can lead you from seeing the material and spiritual worlds as separate – and can help you see that your soul is calling you to become what you came here for.

…. more on this in the days to come…
By Dr. Toni LaMotta, online spiritual life coach, midlife mentor and female keynote speaker on midlife spirituality and transition

What I’ve learned as an Online Spiritual Life Coach about the Mind and the Soul

There’s got to be something more than the mind at work when we are attempting to manifest our dreams or make changes in our life. If it were only the mind and the words we speak, we should instantly have whatever we want. Some tell us it’s the vibration – the feeling that really matters. I’ve seen some people pretty passionate about an idea or a dream, and still it somehow fizzles before it comes to fruition.

There’s got to be a missing element here. I fully believe in the Law of Attraction and I know it works even when we don’t think it does. And yet, as an online spiritual life coach and spiritual counselor, I’ve heard from thousands of people, especially those in the midlife transition who haven’t achieved what they thought they would in life, I can’t help wondering.

Last night, I watched the Academy Awards – and several people said, “I never dreamed or imagined I’d be up here.” Others said, they had held a hairbrush as a microphone in a mirror and practiced their acceptance speech since they were about 7. Hmm. What’s happening here. Is it just hard work and dedication? Well, that would seem to account for something. Actually, most of them talked about the love they had for their craft – so, while others would consider the work hard, they were enjoying every moment (well, most every). Is that the missing piece? A part of it.

What gives us real joy? My premise today is that real joy comes from fulfilling our soul’s purpose… what we were born to be, do and have. The lessons, if you will, that we intended to learn. When we are in touch with our soul, our essence, we realize what we really want. And when we get clear on what that is, then it happens in our lives. It isn’t always what we would have chosen.

How many alcoholics will tell you later that their ‘bottom’ was the best thing that ever happened? Or think about how organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers started. No mother would want her child killed on a conscious level! But, that mother had a soul intention that made good from what others would have simply accepted as tragedy.

What might be happening in your life right now that you could later say was the greatest gift you ever received? Why not say that now – and see what happen. Follow your soul rather than resist it – and life becomes serene. Challenges now become gifts. Unwrap some today.