Mental Diets by Neville Goddard

Segment Taken From an Audio Transcript of a Recording called:
Mental Diets by Neville Goddard

nevillegThe mind always behaves according to the assumption with which it starts. Therefore, to experience success, we must assume that we are successful. We must live wholly on the level of the imagination itself, and it must be consciously and deliberately undertaken. It does not matter if at the present moment external facts deny the truth of your assumption, if you persist in your assumption it will become a fact. Signs follow, they do not precede.

To assume a new concept of yourself is to that extent to change your inner talking or Word of God and is, therefore, putting on the New Man. Our inner talking, though unheard by others, is more productive of future conditions than all the audible promises and threats of men. Your ideal is waiting to be incarnated, but unless you yourself offer it human parentage it is incapable of birth. You must define the person you wish to be and then assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled in faith that that assumption will find expression through you.

Test it. Try it. Conceive yourself to be one that you want to be and remain faithful to that conception, for life here is only a training ground for image making. Try it and see if life will not shape itself on the model of your imagination.

The transformation of self requires that we meditate on a given phrase, a phrase which implies that our ideal is realized, and inwardly affirm it over and over and over again until we are inwardly affected by its implication, until we are possessed by it. Hold fast to your noble inner convictions or “conversations.”

Nothing can take them from you but yourself. Nothing can stop them from becoming objective facts. All things are generated out of your imagination by the Word of God, which is your own inner conversation. And every imagination reaps its own Words which it has inwardly spoken.

The great secret of success is a controlled inner conversation from premises of fulfilled desire. The only price you pay for success is the giving up of your former conversation which belongs to the Old Man, the unsuccessful man. The time is ripe for many of us to take conscious charge in creating heaven on earth. To consciously and voluntarily use our imagination, to inwardly hear and only say that which is in harmony with our ideal, is actively bringing heaven to earth.

Every time we exercise our imagination lovingly on behalf of another, we are literally mediating God to that one. Always use your imagination masterfully, as

a participant, not an onlooker. In using your imagination to transform energy from the mental, emotional level to physical level, extend your senses – look and imagine that you are seeing what you want to see, that you are hearing what you want to hear, and touching what you want to touch. Become intensely aware of doing so. Give your imaginary state all the tones and feeling of reality. Keep on doing so until you arouse within yourself the mood of accomplishment and the feeling of relief.

This is the active, voluntary use of the imagination as distinguished from the passive, involuntary acceptance of appearances. It is by this active, voluntary

use of the imagination that the Second Man, the Lord from heaven, is awakened in man. Men call imagination a plaything, the “dream faculty.” But actually it is the very gateway of reality. Imagination is the way to the state desired, it is the truth of the state desired, and the life of that state desired. Could you realize this fully, there would you know that what you do in your imagination is the only important thing.

Through the portals of the present the whole of time must pass. Imagine elsewhere as here, and then as now. Try it and see. You can always tell if you have succeeded in making the future dream a present fact by observing your inner talking. If you are inwardly saying what you would audibly say were you physically present and physically moving about in that place, then you have succeeded. And you could prophesy it from these inner conversations, and from the moods which they awaken within you, what your future will be.

Shifting Gears at Midlife: Creating an Extraordinary Future

Looking for a way to change your life?
Creative living can lead to an extraordinary life

An interactive, multimedia e-Course in creative living: Shifting gears at midlife: Creating an extraordinary future, created by Dr. Fred Horowitz and Dr. Frank Bonkowski.

See the Free Demo.

Get the Special Winter Discount running to March 31, 2012

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Why take this e-course?

This e-Course is a primer on creative living and inventing an extraordinary future at midlife; however, the principles apply at any age. We say a “primer” because what we’re offering is a first layer of a deeper conversation, which deals with issues like the nature of human beings, change, transition, being effective and being fulfilled.

What are the promises of this course?

* You will acquire a methodology for consciously creating your extraordinary future.
* You will discover some of the tools and practices that will allow you to integrate the principles for creating a fulfilling and extraordinary future.
* You will start to operate in your life in a new way- one not limited by the past.
* You will develop the capacity to have greater freedom, power and fulfillment in your life.

What is the context of the course?

1. As Third agers we have a 30-year life bonus.
2. The course does not present the “truth.”
3. The course is based on the notion that knowledge doesn’t equal learning.
4. The course invites you to practice “The Art of the Long View” when talking of the future.
5. The course uses the metaphor of “shifting gears” to mean making the most of the time you have left.

What are the contents of the e-Course in creative living?

Here is an overview of the five lessons and what they will enable you to accomplish:

Week 1: Setting the Stage: “What’s your story? aims at enabling you to distinguish observation versus evaluation.

Week 2: Life as a Game helps you understand the notion that there’s no inherent meaning or purpose to your life; yet you have the capacity to be the creator of a “game” that you make up.

Week 3: What matters to you most- fulfillment and our unique connection to life allows you to distinguish integrity, values, purpose, vision and mission.

Week 4: The key elements of an extraordinary future leads you to distinguish the elements of an extraordinary future.

Week 5: Creating your extraordinary future- you create the future from the future enables you to develop a game plan for your extraordinary future- your invented game.


Get the Special Winter Discount running to March 31, 2012
Buy Now

Midlife Transition Prayer by Teilhard de Chardin

Patient Trust In Ourselves & The Slow Work Of God
By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Above all, trust in the slow work of God.
We are all, quite naturally,
impatient in everything to reach the end
without delay.
We should like to skip
the intermediate stages.
We are impatient of being
on the way to something unknown,
something new,
and yet it is the law of all progress
that is made by passing through
some stages of instability-
and that it may take a very long time.

And so I think it is with you.
Your ideas mature gradually –
let them grow,
let them shape themselves,
without undue haste.
Don’t try to force them on,
as though you could be today
what time (that is to say, grace and
circumstances acting on your own good will)
will make you tomorrow.

Only God could say what this new spirit
gradually forming within you will be.
Give our Lord the benefit of believing
that his hand is leading you
and accept the anxiety of
feeling yourself in suspense and incomplete.

The Midlife Transition: How do I find More JOY In My Life?

I have recently come across an author whom I am enjoying. She doesn’t talk directly about the Midlife Transition, but so much of what she says is relevant.

by Aine Belton

1. Keep a JOY-DIARY or scheduler that includes daily/weekly joy-doses and joy-treats! (Or add these from your joy-list into an existing diary!).

Write a JOY-LIST of all that brings you joy, and be sure to regularly schedule things from this list into your day/week/year! 🙂

2. Take trip somewhere this week that makes your heart sing!

It could be somewhere in nature, perhaps a garden or park, perhaps a weekend break in a new city, a day visit to the ocean, an art gallery or museum, a country drive, a music concert or karaoke night, an amusement park, a fine restaurant, a gym, spa, or helicopter lesson!

Set the date, make the booking and do it!

3. Throw a fun dinner or themed party. Create some fun rules and be creative. Research some fun games that can be played. Get creative!

Perhaps inform people that… Everyone has to wear_______________ Everyone has to share_______________ Everyone has to bring_______________ Everyone has to create _______________

Perhaps everyone bring a cheap gift to share with another by random picking, or bring a home-made cake, present, poem, etc.

4. Do something you’ve never done before! Aim for something you think you’ll enjoy of course! Perhaps it’s something you’ve always been curious about – a type of exercise, a creative hobby, a type of food, a new meditation technique, singing classes, a roller-blade disco, paint-balling, etc. Doing new things and surprising yourself (and others!) can be a great way to bring more joy into your life.

5. Change your work environment setting in some way if you can. If you work from a computer, find out if there’s a lovely café or restaurant with WiFi you can travel to and enjoy a cup of tea and cake while you’re working for a change of scenery.

If you can’t change WHERE you work, what can you do differently or change in your work routine or environment to brighten things up? Some flowers perhaps? A lush lunch break somewhere new? Ordering in some cake, treats or pizza in to your office? Or what about adding a picture, photo, vision board, crystal, sacred, meaningful or uplifting object, or affirmation card somewhere on your desk or in your work environment to uplift the energy?

6. Walk in nature. An outdoors trek, even just a short walk, can lift your spirits and fill your heart with the wondrous beauty and joy of nature. Today I went for a brief 15 minute walk along the river-side, and what a delight it was! I was glowing with joy after 🙂

You can search online for nearby parks to stroll in, or walking trails and hike paths in the countryside. There are also companies that arrange walks and hikes, where you can just turn up, and a small group of others wanting to walk just like you are driven to a location for a guided walk of the area, be it in nature or the city.

7. Exercise. Moving your body with exercise of any kind, clear out the cobwebs, gets your energy flowing and endorphins pumping and elevates your state. There are SO many ways to exercise. Try a few to find those that you love!

You could join a gym, explore martial arts, Yoga, Pilates or Qigong, trapeze, jogging, salsa classes, tennis, climbing, dance, roller-blading, hoola hooping, skipping, swimming, and so on.

8. Listen to the ‘whispers’ and ‘nudges’ in your outer reality; meanings and metaphors present in your world. This is fully covered in the Decoding Reality section of the Intuition Zone with lots of examples.(I will add that this is especially relevant for those in the midlife transition)

When you awaken to the illusory nature of reality – life becomes very magical and fun indeed!
You are loved, guided and supported every step of your journey, whether you realize it or not.

Your outer world is essentially a holographic illusion and can serve as a platform of communication. It speaks of and reflects your current state of consciousness, your beliefs, thoughts and feelings, phases and ‘themes’ you may be going through, learnings and challenges, gifts and patterns, and so on.

Your outer reality can also be a means through which your Higher Self, guides, and the Universe, communicate with you to offer insight and support.

Opening to this guidance and communication can be great fun!

Notice the book someone is reading opposite you on the train, or the leaflet that blows into your path on the street. What are the metaphoric messages these hold – the headings and phrases, email subject lines, perhaps, the conversations you over-hear, etc.? Particularly note any that are repeated or very similar in message and meaning.

Nothing is ‘by accident’ as such. I’m not suggesting here to over-analyze or scrutinize every occurrence, just be open to possible significances and synchronicities.

The universe is whispering. Can you hear it? Life becomes joyous when you develop this co-creative relationship with spirit and open to magical living!

May your Midlife Transition be the opening to the best possible time of your life.