Getting Clear

Getting Clear The procedure to clear a negative or troubling belief.
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  THE GETTING CLEAR WORKSHEET I have something that is bothering me. I am willing to look at it and identify it. What is it? What just happened? _________________________________________________ For example, someone may be playfully teasing you, but you perceive that they are trying to “get at you.” You may even get angry at them and tell them to stop “pushing you around.” Therefore, you have a belief, or a perception, that people push you around, that you will be attacked, put down, or made to feel stupid, less than, or inferior in some way. This means that YOU may believe, or have a perception that (a) people can and will do something bad to you, and (b) that you are “not good enough,” that you are less than in some way. Therefore your response and feelings will come from what you believe. Check out what it is that you believe. Now you fill out this sentence… This is how I interpreted, or perceived, what just happened: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ I felt: (angry, sad, happy, fearful) _____________________________________________________ After you identify what is bothering you, how you “perceived” what happened, and what emotion went along with that perception, ask yourself this question: Is this perception coming from a place of Truth, or is it coming from Fear? Is there Fear somewhere behind all of this? Truth ______________________________________ Fear _______________________________________ What am I afraid of? What do I think is happening or going to happen here? _____________________________________________________ Answer this: When did I decide to believe this? What do I believe about myself? what happened in my life that I decided life was just this way? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Answer this: Did anyone make me believe this, or did I decide to believe it in my own mind? _____________________________________________________ If I believe in this, will I continue to make it keep happening? Yes _________ No _________ Could I have made a different decision about life, or myself? __________________________________________________ I could have seen it this way: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ or, this way _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Fill out the following sentences… When I think this way, or believe this (for example, that people will push me around, or try to get at me), I create this kind of experience: I ____________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________ And then I feel: _____________________________________________________ Now you see what your perceptions are, and what strategies you created to cope with what you believe is going on. Strategies are always created to try to keep you safe in some way. You also see what you create by believing this way. And you see what you create from holding onto a perception, which creates a certain emotion. If you have sadness stored in you, you will continue to see life’s experiences as sad, etc., and to create more sad experiences. Now, you say to yourself, “Do I still want to keep on reacting this way?”
“Do I really believe that (for example) people are out to get me?”
“Do I really believe that I am stupid? Yes ________ No ________ Ask… Does believing this help or hurt my life? Helps ________ Hurts________ If everything is a mirror for me, a mirror for what’s going on inside of me, the beliefs and issues I have about myself and life, then what this experience is showing me about myself is: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Then ask yourself, “What new belief would I rather have?”
Write it here… I would rather believe that _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ What emotion will I feel if I believe this new belief? How will I feel? _____________________________________________________ Am I willing to experience that emotion? _____________________________________________________ In order to believe this, and feel this, I will align myself with a Higher Truth. I will see and understand that : I AM _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ That Life is _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ That Other People _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ When I believe this way, I feel _____________________________________________________ I am now WILLING, READY, and I fully ALLOW this old belief, _____________________________________________________, to be completely and easily and 100% released. In its place, I am willing and allow myself to have this perception _____________________________________________________ and I believe that ______________________________________. I now allow myself to feel _______________________________ . I accept this new belief and have made a new choice for myself and my life. I give thanks.                       Copyright © 1997-2013 Trans4mind Ltd  

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