Reinvent Yourself – Take Steps to Complete

There is no way you can move into the future, unless you let go of the past. Today I’m beginning a series of articles about
FIVE very practical ways of doing that.

I once heard that there are only 3 things which really hold a person back in life: unmet needs, insufficient distinctions /language and being incomplete. Being complete at all times is a skill worth mastering.

“We spend our lives doing what we are incomplete about.”

A young woman, interested in writing met a famous author at a party. “I wonder if you’d help me she asked. How many words are there in a novel?” The author was taken aback, but managed a sympathetic smile. “Well, that depends. A short novel would run about 65,000 words.” “You mean 65,000 words makes a novel?
Yes, he said hesitatingly, “more or less.”” Well, how do you like that she said gleefully. My book is finished!.””

In order to make room for the new, we have to complete the old. Of course, I never tell you anything that I haven’t been living lately and this is no exception. I’m packing to move and clearing out LOTS of old things. I threw out papers from many years ago – brought back memories, but, it’s no longer who I am. I had a little bit of a
nostalgic time going through all my old client folders… remembering and letting go.

Also called an old boyfriend that I never quite said goodbye to – I called to say hello and goodbye… Great feeling.

So, let’s begin by asking the question: WHY COMPLETE
Lack of completion in any area of our lives takes energy away from us… it lowers our self-esteem to have projects unfinished.
I interpret that to mean that incompletions dominate our lives until they are known and resolved.

Often people choose professions based on where they suffered in life (therapists, healers, financial planners, ministers?) hmm. Who knows… We all spend some part of our day engaged in activities that no longer have any bearing whatsoever on what we want to do.

Most people survive these incompletions, but in every instance there is a cost. Because the natural state of human beings is balance, wholeness and integrity, we lose power and energy when we are incomplete. Proof? Virtually everyone feels much better after having cleaned out a closet, or after a course is complete or a major project is finished.

I suggest that a person who has mastered the skill of being complete about everything as it occurs (after completing the past stuff) is someone who has virtually boundless and healthy energy. Their juice is not being sucked up
by the known and unknown stuff to which they have been accustomed to.

Want to move forward? Reinvent yourself? Trying to get clear on where you want to go? Where do you begin?
If you’re holding thoughts of poverty, scarcity or negativity, sweep them from your life to create uncontaminated space for prosperity to
dwell. Clean house. Literally and metaphorically…

We’ll always have incompletions in our lives and rarely is someone fully complete about past trauma such as losing a loved one or childhood damage. The point here, though, is that you can substantially enhance your well-being energy level and effectiveness by being more complete.

I’m certainly not talking about being manic about being complete all the time. Life is MESSY by nature. Go with the flow, but always get complete about the things or situations that you know will bug you later. Don’t step over anything.

More to follow in the days and weeks to come.

WHAT ARE INCOMPLETIONS, and where do they come from? incompletions are events which have occurred in our lives that passed by without our having done what was necessary to be complete (as in satisfied, handled fully,
responded powerfully) about.

Examples are as follows:
People we have not said I love you to – and want to;
A person with whom we have not made amends for wrongs we may have done.
Taxes unpaid.
Not stopping someone from saying things that hurt you
Doing something you considered wrong or not right
Not going for a goal you really wanted but were afraid to go for.
Not taking out the trash when it was full yesterday

There are important signs of being incomplete:

What is a recurring problem you have individually? Collectively? Why does it keep coming back? What is the “complete work” you could do to have it complete forever.
Do it!! please. NOW. It is costing too much.

2 thoughts on “Reinvent Yourself – Take Steps to Complete

  1. Patti says:

    OMG I just took a break from cleaning out a closet , installing more drawers to organize. I feel very completed.

  2. Dr. Toni says:

    Isn’t it amazing how much energy we release when we clear out the old! Congratulations to you.. Great..

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