I’ve been talking lately about Life Review. I’ve been obsessed with the idea ever since I heard Jane Fonda on Oprah and read her new book, Prime Time. I’ve been reminded of how often when I did reflect on my past in a positive way, I found new energy for the present. That’s the only reason to focus on the past. In it, are the seeds of possibility and possibly even the answer to any question you are currently posing.
Today I read an article about people dying and making choices about how they wanted to live the rest of their lives. Of course, the message was, “Why wait until you are dying?” I believe that a good Life Review tells you about what you once thought was important, and what things, people and ideas still are. How would you spend your last year if it were truly your last one? We never know. Why spend time fussing over what isn’t working? Why not discover what gives you the most Joy and start doing and being more of that. Right now.
I’m talking about real joy – not just eating more chocolate or having better sex. What are the qualities you want to experience in life? Who can you show your love for today? Go ahead, do it now.