I received this this morning, and thought of everyone in mid-life who needs to experience more self-love – starting with me! It’s about a new movie -Doors Opening – the message is from Cheryl Richardson…
I’ve just finished the “I Can Do It” conference here in Toronto and, before I go to bed, I wanted to share some of my notes with you from an extraordinary documentary that was shown at lunch today. The movie was called, Doors Opening, and it’s the story of the work Louise Hay did with men who were suffering with AIDS in the mid eighties. During a time when most people literally shunned these men, Louise welcomed them into her home and her heart, and taught them how to heal. The film is a moving example of the power of love – both self love and the selfless love of a woman committed to being of service. Here are several things Louise suggests we do in order to love ourselves more:
First, stop all criticism toward yourself and others. Just stop it. When you catch yourself being mean to yourself, intervene on your behalf by putting an end to the behavior (thoughts, words, or actions) immediately.
Stop scaring yourself. The moment you realize that you’re thinking thoughts that are making you feel anxious or afraid, switch your focus to something positive – a peaceful image, a memory that makes you happy, or a person who is a source of comfort or joy.
Be patient, gentle and kind with yourself – always.
Praise yourself. Start to notice what’s great about you, what you do well, or how wonderful you are, and make a point of acknowledging yourself and these strengths on a regular basis.
Support yourself and your healing. Ask someone you trust to join you in making positive changes. Commit to specific actions every week and then hold each other accountable.
Fuel your body with healthy food and with exercise that you enjoy.
Finally, and most important of all, Louise shared an exercise that she’s done for years to build a stronger relationship with herself. It’s called mirror work. She encourages people to look into a mirror several times a day and say things like, “I love you. I really, really love you.” While this step might seem simplistic, awkward, or even silly, it’s worked for her and the millions of people who have changed their lives as a result of following her lead. It’s made a big difference in my life, too.
I’ve never met someone who didn’t need more self-love and I hope you’ll put some of these suggestions to work for you this week. The world needs more people who are kind-hearted, self-loving, and compassionate. Let it begin with you!