Accepting Change in Aging

“One of the first things an individual must do as they get older is to accept the changes they will have to make to their lifestyle and looks and embrace these changes for the better. Accepting these life changes is a significant key to psychological health, as aging changes everyone and is inevitable…. Seniors who think rigidly do not do this, as they experience the natural changes and their health status associated with aging, they view these changes as negative, which adds a tremendous amount of stress and strain to their life.” –from Secrets To Aging Gracefully by Danielle L’Ecuyer

11 thoughts on “Accepting Change in Aging

  1. Danielle says:

    I was just having this conversation with my 76 yr old father today. He is still working and extremely active yet having some memory issues. He’s fighting it quite a bit. I tried to tell him that some form of acceptance of the aging process would help. Your quote gave me an exclamation point. Thank you. Hope you are feeling better!

  2. Kenneth says:

    Acceptance is truly the key ; some time ago I was instructed that with change comes a degree of anxiety; that anxiety was a sign of life, of struggle or conflict – and therefor of possible victory! Oftentimes victory comes in surrendering

  3. Jan says:

    Glad to hear your inspirational attitude, Toni. Thanks for sharing!

    As Dale Carnegie once said, “When fate hands you lemons, make lemonade!”
    Wishing you all the very best!

  4. Geoffrey Stoermer says:

    I am finding that as I age, sticking to the “way I did things” often times slaps me in the face, as if to say, “There are many new paths awaiting you. Try some.” It has very much made me more aware that I need to be in the present and not just float by, half asleep, while doing some task.
    Thank you for your gentle reminders, via your emails, Dr. Toni.
    Hugs and love, Geoff

  5. Kathleen Rhem says:

    Thank you for this post Toni. It’s so true that acceptance of any change is the key to a happier attitude. I hope you continue to heal well!

  6. Francis Bonkowski says:

    Toni, You are an inspiration to all of us – always upbeat and positive in the face of seemingly unending physical challenges. Thanks for sharing these thoughts. Tell us how your “Successful Self-Study” online course can help us accept life and not make judgements.

  7. diane r butler says:

    In gratitude for your post and update on your health Wondering if you’re planning to give us more insight into how you met these challenges emotionally and physically, and most importantly, spiritually.

    Your mindset and insights are greatly welcome.


    • Dr. Toni says:

      Thanks Diane. I will continue to explore these topics. Have you seen my conscious aging course? It gives you a lot of my insights.
      Check out the available products on
      I also do 1-1 spiritual counseling if you’d ever like to have a more personal approach.
      Thanks for commenting!
      Dr Toni

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