a friend writes about the Secret, The Law of Attraction

The Bigger Secret

By Scott Kalechstein

The Secret is out, way out. Those who have been entrenched in feelings of powerlessness are finding their mojo by applying its principles. Yay to the setting of intentions, the power of positive thinking, and the wondrous Law of Attraction! Yay to manifesting a perfect soul mate, the ideal income, and our wildest dreams! Rock on, minds of mankind!

And while I am glad it has become so popular, I do have a few further thoughts to add to the conversation. When it comes to the Law of Attraction, I’m a bit of an out-law. To me it’s a little piece of the truth, and in the minds of egos wanting to play God, that can be a little dangerous. I believe that letting people in on the creative power of thought without also giving equal emphasis to the Law of Allowing is a bit like teaching people inhaling without letting them in on an intimate and inseparable part of the process – exhaling!

To put it simply, the Law of Attraction is about how to get what you want. The Law of Allowing is about appreciating what you get; in other words, letting go and letting God, or seeking ye first the Kingdom. When applied together, these Laws bring balance to the active and receptive male and female energies found within each of us.

It’s no secret that getting what you want doesn’t automatically lead to lasting fulfillment. If that were the case, the bathroom cabinets of the married, rich, and famous would not be filled with such an abundant supply of expensive anti-depression and anti-anxiety medication.

A Course In Miracles puts it bluntly: “The world I see holds nothing that I want.”

Yet we all want what we want. But what’s up with all this wanting? While wanting can be defined as desiring, it is also synonymous with lacking. “The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want” means that when we surrender our attachment to a specific outcome and trust in the benevolence of the universe, we shall not lack. And that is the Law of Allowing.

When we get rigidly attached to a desired outcome, however, we are coming from the assumption that we are not whole beings until we get what we want. And that’s an illusion that life delights in coaxing us to let go of.

Thaddeus Golas, in The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment, says “There is a good attitude to take towards any goal: It’s nice if it happens, nice if it doesn’t.” Does that mean we are to be detached from having passion? No, just detached from craving an outcome, from thinking there is some tear in the fabric of God’s perfection that needs to be stitched before we can fully enjoy being alive.

I love watching dogs run after seagulls on the beach. They set their sights on a flock and then are focused, single-minded, and even quite passionate about running down a bird. At the same time, they are very fulfilled in the thrill of the chase, having a tremendous amount of fun just frolicking on the beach. Going home without having caught a bird doesn’t for one moment diminish their love of life.

When we realize that just being alive is the gift that keeps on giving, we may pursue our own gulls just as passionately, but far less frantically. We value the process as much as the intended outcome. We embrace whatever we encounter along the trip with loving arms open wide enough to be grateful for it all.

When we have tasted the nectar of a fulfillment that is not dependent on the outside world granting us our desires, we realize that life is blessing us as much when we don’t get what we want as when we do. In those times we get to practice being friends with reality, letting go of our adversarial position to what is. A heavy burden is lifted each time we release the arrogant assumption that we are in possession of the big picture perspective enough to really know what our highest good is supposed to look like. We get to more thoroughly chew on yet another spiritual slice of humble pie A Course In Miracles invites us to digest: “I don’t perceive my own best interests.”

There’s nothing wrong with having goals and using the Law of Attraction to manifest them. Yet you can attain the world, only to have your achievements magnify and intensify your inner turmoil. An ego’s basic condition of lack, that nagging sense of ‘not enough-ness,’ cannot be overcome by worldy success. When Jesus said his Kingdom is not of this world, he was speaking for all of us.

Even my mother, a devout, practicing atheist, will exclaim after the first bite of some fabulous dessert, “Out of this world!” (It has been said that there are no atheists in foxholes, and I would venture to add that there also aren’t any biting into Junior’s New York cheesecake!)

The Bigger Secret is that there is a state of being available to us that is not of this world. Echoes of it visit us ever so briefly; the first few morsels of cheesecake, the first few mouthfuls of romantic love, and other fleeting moments of satisfaction. For some people who consistently choose to practice “Seek ye first the Kingdom”, that state sets up shop and sticks around as part of the fabric. It becomes the foundation of a sense of self rooted in eternity.

That’s what I want, to abide in a love that is not of this world. Perhaps that’s what we all want, even when we are seeking to manifest things of this world.

Have you had enough of a sense of not enough? Do you want out of the state of wanting that always leaves us wanting more? Let’s remember together: “I am as God created me, and I am free, whole and complete as I am. I am enough, I have enough, and I do enough. I wake up from the dream of lack. I am drenched in abundance at all times. Every sunrise is proof of my infinite wealth, every breath is a miracle, and all is supremely and eternally well.”

When that state of enoughness takes root in you and permeates your being, you will most probably be moved to chase some gulls and have some fun.

Gangway… I’ll see you on the beach!

“Those who bind themselves to a joy
Doth thy winged life destroy
But those who kiss the joy as it flies
Live in eternity’s sunrise
-William Blake

Scott Kalechstein is an aspiring ambassador of The Bigger Secret. He is known and celebrated (and sometimes tolerated) for his playful and passionate propensity for alliteration. In addition, he is a traveling minister, a Life Coach, a modern day troubadour, and an inspirational speaker. He travels the United States, Canada, Africa, and Europe giving concerts, talks and workshops, as well as presenting at conferences. Please visit www.scottsongs.com ( Linked text) to find out more and to sample songs. You can also sign up there for his free muse-letters to receive articles like this one on a bi-monthly basis.

Law of Attraction – JOY is What We Are

Joy is not something we get or obtain – joy is what we are. We can’t search for joy – it is not outside of us. It is already right where we are. We have to let it reveal itself to us. Here’s an important distinction to remember: joy is not a reactionary emotion; it is a causative energy. Let me repeat: joy is not a reactionary emotion; it is a causative energy. It is not something that just happens as a result of outer experience; it is something we can release from inside ourselves by active will.

Nisargadatta Majaraj responded with this stunning answer to an inquiry about his not feeling sad in the face of circumstances that drive most people to despair, such as war, poverty and the like: In my world, nothing ever goes wrong. He was saying that he lived in the world of Spirit, and the rest is illusion. A Course in Miracles says: Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.

We experience true joy then when we are experiencing the PRESENCE of GOD – everything I teach is about learning to LIVE in this PRESENCE. It’s all about living consciously. It’s about living in awareness so that we stay in present moment and not let ourselves be pushed by the past or pulled by the future. Living in the present is living in the Presence.

Let me give you an example. I had a rather angry outburst directed at someone this week. I apologized to her and to those who witnessed it, because I was aware even as I was doing it that what I was experiencing at the moment was not what I was feeling anger over.

Did you ever notice that? Most of the time when we feel anger, it’s not about what just happened. I wasn’t totally conscious in the moment of the outburst, but I’m going to tell you I was so – immediately afterwards. The time lags are getting shorter… that’s a sign of growth! But what I’m really trying to say is that spiritual growth isn’t about feeling good all the time and it isn’t about being PERFECT or about LIKING everything that is happening in our lives. At the split second after the outburst, I could
see the perfection in what was happening in me, as me, and through me. And in the pain I was feeling at the moment, and even with the tears I shed, I FELT a deep sense of JOY.

Does that sound strange to you? I was in touch both with the anger at the moment and where it was coming from, so I was in a state of being present, and could feel the Presence as a result. That’s what we mean when we talk about consciousness. Most of us think it means bliss. I should be out there feeling wonderful all the time. And what it is is being conscious at the moment, so we don’t get caught up in what is happening, and coming to recognize when there are places of healing that are showing up in our lives.

Law of Attraction – Bring on the JOY

Joy and happiness are not the same thing. I had some challenges this week, and that distinction became really clear to me. Happiness, to most people, is defined as the elation that accompanies good fortune. When things are going well, when the sun is shining, when we get a raise or a new job, when we think we are in love, when we get to hop like a bunny, we FEEL HAPPY, and we confuse that with the Quality of Joy that I am writing about. It’s getting in touch with the stuff that’s already inside us. JOY is
the evidence of God’s presence in the human experience. And God can never NOT be present! We have to learn to look for the evidence. It’s there, sometimes in spite of what is happening in the outer world.

Have you ever cried and felt joy at the same time? I sure know I have. Then you know what I mean. JOY is the awareness that ALL IS GOOD. Even in the midst of this – God is here. This too is God. This too is Good. We can never escape the presence of God. When we begin to see all of life as a perfect reflection of our thoughts and we come to see that life always brings us what we send out, then we cannot help but rejoice in the perfection because we notice that that is exactly what is happening all the time. There’s
a great sense of relief and release. You are really in charge. What you send out comes back.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Catholic Priest and theologian, gives us the second quote: “Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God.” I’ve heard it translated – joy is the ECHO of God’s life in us. I like that. I’d like to tell you a story.

A man and his son were taking a walk in the forest. Suddenly his son trips and, feeling a sharp pain, screams, “Ahhhh!” Surprised, he hears a voice coming from the mountain, “Ahhhhh!” Filled with curiosity, he screams, “Who are you? But the only answer he receives is “Who are you?” This makes him angry, so he screams, “You are a coward!” and the voice answers, “You are a coward!” He looks at his father, asking, “Dad, what is going on?” “Son”, the man replies,

“Pay attention!” Then the father screams, “I admire you! The voice answers, “I admire you!” The father shouts, “You are wonderful!” And the voice answers, “You are wonderful! The boy is surprised, but still can’t understand what is going on. Then the father explains, “People call this an ‘echo’ but truly it is ‘life’!”

Life always gives you back what you give out. Life is a mirror of your actions and beliefs. If you want more love, give more love. If you want more kindness, give more kindness. If you want understanding and respect, give understanding and respect. This rule of nature applies to every aspect of our lives. Life always gives us back what we give out. Your life is not a coincidence, but a mirror of your own doings.

Freedom – to Choose

There is a wonderful passage from Marianne Williamson –– and I want to share it with you here since it speaks to my heart:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our Light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?Actually, who are you NOT to be?You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the World. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel unsure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.As we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

I invite you to ponder those ideas –and ask yourself where in your life you are FEARING FREEDOM and therefore blocking this quality  that wants to come into our experience in a greater way in our lives?

Choose today to accept the fact that we were born free and are meant to be free. Free from the influence, of others. Free of the thoughts and opinions of others.  Free of our past.  We are not living in the past and can be totally free from that. We are free to be the full expression of who we are – individually.  Because we are individual expressions of the One Mind, One Power, One Life, this means we have self choice, volition, a conscious mind, complete freedom and a “POWER TO BACK UP THAT FREEDOM.”

In the Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes on p.108 we read: “We cannot imagine a mechanical or unspontaneous individuality; to be real and free, individuality must be created in the image of Perfection and let alone to make the great discovery for itself.” That is the discovery of our Freedom.

We are created with the possibility of limitless freedom and left alone to discover it ourselves. This discovery is called the awakening process.

Ultimate freedom is the freedom to be the divine self that you are, which includes living as a fully balanced and conscious being.  When you remember that you are liberated, you are spontaneous in your expression of life and you express in ways that are in harmony with the greatest good for everyone concerned. How many of us live inhibited, for whatever reason.

I watched a video last night of people laughing, just people laughing and they looked so silly and most of us don’t want to look like that.  We’re worried that people might think there is something strange about us.  So, we hold ourselves back from laughing.  How many things do you hold yourself back from? When you accept your Freedom, you are at ease wherever you find yourself.  You have the freedom, to just be you.  When you are free, you don’t have to worry about what the other person is thinking, feeling, being, doing. When you are really free, you can totally allow another person to be free, because you don’t depend on their being anything. And that’s even your partner or anyone else in your life.  Your freedom doesn’t depend on what they do or say.  Nothing binds you, you are a true individual, unique and expressive.  Life takes on more joy when freedom is realized.
No matter what quality of God you focus on, you get the rest of them.  If you were a person who was totally free and allowed everyone else to be free, don’t you think there would be more love in your life?  There would be more joy in your life.  There would be so many more qualities in your life, simply by focusing on Freedom.

We have total freedom to choose at every moment and we constantly experience the results of our thoughts and the results of our actions.  What Freedom that is!  We think it’s a burden, but, in truth, its amazing freedom to know that no one else has the power over your life but you.  If you don’t like what’s happening in your life, you have the power to change it.  You don’t have to wait until mom or dad do something.  You don’t have to wait until your partner gets better; you don’t have to wait until the children grow up; you don’t have to wait for anything. You’re the one that has the ultimate power and the ultimate freedom.  When we do that, being free allows us to experience so much more of life.

The difference between freedom and bondage is simply the word, Choice.  We have choice in every single moment, in every single experience.  Let’s choose to be conscious of our choice. But, even that choice is yours.

Freedom – Benefit of the Law of Attraction

If anywhere in my life I still think that someone else or something else is the CAUSE of anything, I’m abdicating the very gift of the Universe/Life/Universe/Life/God that makes me as human – the quality of Universe/Life/God that makes us most like Universe/Life/God – our FREEDOM.

When we are speaking of Freedom as Universe/Life/God’s quality, we are primarily talking about the gift of free will. Free will is a basic right bestowed upon us by our creator so that we can learn to be co-creators. We don’t ever create anything. We don’t create out of nothing. Only Universe/Life/God creates out of nothing. But, it is in co-creation with Universe/Life/God that everything comes into being. So, because we have this right, we should use it, take advantage of the precious gift that it is.

If you had purchased or was given a ticket to a BUFFET, you would then have the right to take from this buffet whatever you would choose to take. You paid your $9.95 and that then, gave you the right to eat whatever you choose. Would you sit down and complain that you didn’t get any dessert, or salad, or something that you chose? Not if you are thinking at all. You would get up and go get it. We spend a lot of our lives complaining because things aren’t the way we want them to be. But, we’ve already been given the whole gift, to make the choices that we make and then, we say, it’s not happening. It must be something else out there.