Midlife maturity – taking care of yourself

Living For Ourselves
Trying To Please Others
Most of us come to a point in our lives when we question why we are doing what we are doing, and many of us come to realize that we may be living our lives in an effort to make our parents happy. This realization can dawn when we are in our 20s, our 40s, or even later, depending upon how tight a hold our family of origin has on our psyche. We may feel shocked or depressed by this information, but we can trust that it is coming to us at this time because we are ready to find out what it would mean to live our lives for ourselves, following the call of our own soul, and refusing any longer to be beholden to someone else’s expectations.

One of the most common reasons we are so tied into making our parents, or others, happy, is that we were not properly mirrored when we were children. We were not honored as individuals in our own right, with a will and purpose of our own, to be determined by our own unfolding. As a result, we learned to look outside of ourselves for approval, support, and direction rather than look within. The good news is that the part of us that was not adequately nurtured is still there, inside us, like a seed that has not yet received the sunlight and moisture it needs to open and to allow its inner contents to unfurl. It is never too late to provide ourselves with what we need to awaken this inner being.

There are many ways to create a safe container for ourselves so that we can turn within and shine the light of awareness there. We may join a support group, go to therapy, or start a practice of journaling every day for half an hour. This experience of becoming is well worth the difficult work that may be required of us to get there. In whatever process we choose, we may feel worse before we feel better, but we will ultimately find out how to live our lives for ourselves and how to make ourselves happy.

– excerpted from the Daily Om

There’s No Free Lunch – Dr. Joseph Murphy


As the old saying goes, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” Recently I was in a store that was offering a free pack of razor blades if you bought two tubes of shaving cream. Well, of course, the blades weren’t really free—their cost was passed on to the customers indirectly in the price of other things they bought at the store.

Nothing is free. If you want to be wealthy, you must pay the price for wealth; if you want success, there’s a price for that. The price of achieving these things is applying the law of mind—and not everyone is willing to do that. For example, I knew a wonderful metaphysical teacher in New York City named Mrs. Menier. She lived in the Lucerne Hotel and had a friend who would visit her, borrow books, and accept the old clothes that were offered to her. I asked Mrs. Menier one time, “Why doesn’t this woman listen to you—to your teaching? She doesn’t have to wear your old clothes. She could become successful on her own.” Mrs. Menier replied, “She’s unwilling to pay the price. She’s unwilling to pay attention and apply these truths. She prefers old clothes to wisdom.”

I think Mrs. Menier was right. Her friend preferred old clothes, secondhand umbrellas, and things of that nature to the application of mental and spiritual laws. All she had to do was take an interest in the great truths, but she was unwilling to pay the price. That’s true of many people. Mrs. Menier was very sympathetic and kept on giving her old clothes, but I don’t think that actually did her friend any good.

Whatever you desire, you must give your attention, devotion, and loyalty to it. There’s always a price to be paid. When you learned to drive, you had to make a conscious effort to learn how to steer, merge, and park. You can probably do all these things effortlessly now. At this point your subconscious mind is actually driving the car. You paid the price by paying attention to learning how to drive a car, and now you can do it automatically.

The price of getting what you want includes having faith that your desires can be fulfilled—and not everyone has this faith. For example, at a summer seminar I was teaching in Denver on the powers of the subconscious mind a few years ago, I met a woman who had been praying for ten years for her eczema to be healed—with no results. She had applied various astringent lotions and other topical medications without any appreciable relief. Although she had tried to be healed, she had never paid the price, which was to have complete faith in the Infinite Healing Presence and the law of her own subconscious—to trust the law and believe that the Healing Presence would respond and heal her skin. She had been giving power to externals, saying, “My skin is sensitive to the sun. I’m allergic to the cold weather. I believe this eczema is spreading all over my arm due to heredity. It’s my genes and chromosomes that are at fault.” After I explained the importance of having complete faith in the One Power, she began to pray as follows:

The Infinite Healing Presence that created my body and all its organs knows all the processes and functions of my body. I claim, feel, and know definitely and absolutely that the grandeur and glory of the Infinite are made manifest in my mind and body. The wholeness, vitality, and life of the Infinite flow through me now, and every atom of my being is transformed by the Infinite Healing Presence. I fully and freely forgive everyone, and I pour out love, truth, and beauty to all my relatives and in-laws. I give thanks for the healing that is taking place now, and I know that when I call, the answer comes.

She repeated this prayer slowly, quietly, and reverently several times every day. She told me prior to my leaving Denver that a remarkable change for the better had come over her entire being and that her skin had completely healed. She had faith and received the gift of healing.

Faith is attention, devotion, and loyalty to the One Creative Power. You have faith when you know that thoughts are things; that what you feel, you attract; and that what you imagine, you become. You have faith when you know that any idea deposited in the subconscious mind comes forth as form, experience, and conditions. For example, a group of hikers was lost in a forest but had faith that they would be guided to safety. They had no compass and didn’t know anything about navigating by the stars, but they sat down and said: “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He will lead me to safety. He is guiding me now.” They followed the lead (an intuition or hunch) that they received from the Supreme Intelligence, and they found their way to safety.

They paid the price by having faith in the Divine Source and calling upon it. Faith comes through understanding the laws of your mind and applying them diligently in all your affairs. Scientists have faith that their research will lead to a greater understanding of nature. Farmers have faith that the seeds they deposit in the ground will result in a harvest. Before you can receive wealth, you must have faith that you will get it. You must impress your subconscious mind with the idea of wealth, for whatever is impressed on the subconscious is expressed on the screen of space.

There are a number of qualities that contribute to personal success in life. Some of these—such as being born to good parents, in a favorable country or social class, or with natural physical and mental endowments—are completely out of our control. Fortunately, the qualities that really count are the ones that we can cultivate, and the most important of these is persistence. If you examine the biography of any man or woman who has made a lasting contribution to humanity, you will find that the majority exercised uncommon persistence.

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent won’t—nothing is more common than talented people who are unsuccessful. Education alone cannot. The world is full of educated derelicts. Only persistence and determination are omnipotent.

Give all of your allegiance and devotion to the God Presence and realize that it’s your guide, your counselor, and the source of all blessings. There’s no other power. Think of the wonders that would happen in your life if you gave your complete attention and loyalty to that great truth. But if you give power to sticks and stones, to men and women, to the weather, and to all these other things, you’re worshiping many different gods and won’t get what you want. When you awaken to the truth that there’s One Power, One Presence, and One Cause, then your good will flow to you.

In a Nutshell

Nothing is free. If you want to be wealthy, you must pay the price for wealth; if you want success, there’s a price for that. Whatever you desire, you must give your attention, devotion, and loyalty to it; and then you’ll get a response, of course. The price is recognition, belief, and conviction. There’s always a price to be paid.

Give your attention, devotion, and loyalty to any subject and it will yield its secrets to you. If you don’t give your attention to a particular subject—whether it’s chemistry, mathematics, or your job—you’ll remain in darkness about it.

In order for you to receive, you must first give an idea to your subconscious mind. Before you can receive wealth, you must first impress your subconscious mind with the idea of wealth. Whatever is impressed on the subconscious is expressed on the screen of space.

Cast from your mind all preconceived notions, false beliefs, and superstitions; and realize that before you call, God will answer. Whatever you’re seeking already exists in the Infinite Mind. All you have to do is to identify mentally and emotionally with your desire or idea, realizing that it’s as real as your hand or heart.

Wisdom is the Presence and Power of God functioning in you. Acknowledge God in all your ways, and He will make plain your paths. Trust and believe in God, and your desires will come to fruition.

Excerpt from Dr. Joseph Murphy’s Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind -To Create Wealth and Success.  Dr. Joseph Murphy (1898 – 1981), the founder of The Church of Divine Science, produced books, tapes, and radio broadcasts on spiritual matters, the historical values of life, the art of wholesome living, and the teachings of great philosophers—both from the Eastern and Western cultures. Dr. Murphy wrote more than 30 books. His most famous work, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, was first published in 1963, became an immediate bestseller, and was acclaimed as one of the best self-help guides ever written.
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Midlife and the Law of Attraction – Am I Really That Powerful?

People often speak of miracles by saying that they experience the power of God as if the power of God was beyond anything we can readily imagine or experience. But the truth is, as we develop the receptivity to OWNING God’s power as our OWN and start to realize that it is within each and every one of us, we begin to develop what has been called the mental equivalent of that which we want to create. We get the KNOWING that it is already ours. 

I can remember the first time, way back when, that I did a spiritual mind treatment or affirmative prayer. I remember feeling – wow – what I am speaking is really going to happen. In fact, it is happening as I speak. Do you remember the first time that happened to you? We get that there is a Power that we can use. We get to the knowing and owning that it is already ours. That’s when we come to see the miraculous as the ordinary in our experience. Do you really know how powerful you are? Do you know that the same power that is “out there” is in each and every one of us?

I remember once a woman coming to see me, whom I had not met before. She had only been to our church once, so she didn’t really know any of this teaching. She started telling me about a serious problem she was having with cancer. And as she was speaking, I got real clear that her problem had nothing to do with cancer. She began to share more and more, and began to tell me about the fact that she had been and was still in a very abusive relationship. She began to say to me, “I think that’s the issue. I’m terrified of stepping out on my own. Where would I ever get insurance? Who would take care of me? (Not that he was taking care of her!) I just listened and didn’t say a word to this woman. She sat there and looked at me and said, “I think I brought this into my life.” I would never have said to her, “You brought cancer into your life.” I don’t believe in that. You don’t want to look at people and say, “You have a cold – you must be doing xyz.” She said to me, “I’m beginning to realize that my allowing these experiences is actually causing and creating my experiences.” She was sitting in a chair and she suddenly jumped up out of the chair and said, “I’m powerful, aren’t I?” I said, “Yes, you are.” Then she said, “If I can do that, I can change my life.” She looked at me and started to cry, saying, “I’ve been through years and years of therapy and I’ve never felt free. I’m free.” I didn’t do a thing. She heard herself and in my presence, while I held a conscious space, she began to see her own power.

So, for all of us who are creating muck in our lives, see how powerful we are? Look what we can do. When we speak our word, and know what it is very clearly that we want, we can create it.

What are the Qualities of God?

Of course this list is not complete… But, I find these the easiest to focus on.

ABUNDANCE – Plentifulness, profusion, and ample or overflowing quantity. (The state of having more than enough!)

BALANCE – Equilibrium, harmony, an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements. (Giving enough energy and time to everything that is important to you.)

BEAUTY – Loveliness; the quality in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.

FREEDOM – Liberation, independence, ease; the absence of necessity, coercion or constraint in choice or action.

JOY – Delight, gaiety, bliss; a state of happiness; the emotion evoked by well- being, success, good fortune or by the expectancy of good. (“Joy is a sure sign of the Presence of God.” – Yogananda)

LOVE – The self-givingness of God to Its creation; affection, devotion; unselfish concern that freely accepts another and seeks her/his good.

ORDER – Regular or harmonious arrangement; organization; a straightening out so as to eliminate confusion.

PEACE – A state of tranquillity or quiet; freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions; harmony in personal relations.

POWER – Possession of control, authority or influence; physical, mental or spiritual ability to act or produce an effect.

UNITY – Oneness; accord; continuity without deviation or change.

WHOLENESS – The quality or state of being complete, perfect, restored, unhurt, healed and having all parts or components.

WISDOM – Knowledge, insight, good sense; ability to discern inner qualities and Relationships.

For more information on the Qualities of God and how to use them in goal setting, call Dr.  Toni or read a copy of What You REALLY Want, Wants You – you can download it for free


One of the major truths of the Spiritual life is that there is ALWAYS more. It is the nature of Spirit to expand and our nature to continually be seeking SOMETHING MORE. We don’t have to be frustrated in the search. Just like there are laws that govern mathematics, music, physics and the physical universe, so there are spiritual laws that teach us how to prosper.

LAW 1 The Bible describes the first law when it speaks of sowing and reaping. Scientists describe it as action and reaction. Economists call it supply and demand. Emerson called it the law of compensation – like attracts like.

That which you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures and words, you attract into your life and affairs. Each of us is a magnet. We don’t need to force success and prosperity. We need to develop an expectant, prosperous state of mind that is a magnet for all good rather than entertaining the tense, critical, anxious, depressed, unforgiving, possessive state of mind that is a magnet for all kinds of trouble and failure. Nothing can stand between you and the good you
dare to choose.

LAW 2 –You have heard it said that “Nature abhors a vacuum”. It is particularly true in the realm of prosperity. If you want greater good in your life, start forming a vacuum!! Get RID OF WHAT you don’t want to make room for what you do.

If there are clothes in your closet or furniture in your home or office that no longer seem right for you, give them away.

If there are people among your acquaintances and friends that no longer seem congenial – begin moving away.

Often it is difficult to know what you do want until you get rid of what you don’t. When you let go of the lesser, you make room for the greater. When you dare to form a vacuum, the substance of the universe rushes in to fill that empty space.

LAW 3 – the Law of creation says:

  • have a plan – write it out and constantly expand it
  • mentally imagine the plan as fulfilled
  • constantly affirm its perfect fulfillment

LAW 4 Dr. Emile Coue first declared that the imagination is a much stronger force than will power. When the imagination and will are in conflict, the imagination always wins. Spend time picturing what you want to happen coming to pass. Feel the feelings; get ONE WITH God/the Good on this.

LAW 5 – There has never been a nation in which the practice of this last ancient law has not prevailed. The early Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Arabians, Greeks, Romans and Chinese were among those who used this method. Even primitive man, through the financial sacrifices he offered his gods, practiced it.

True prosperity has a spiritual basis. God is the Source of your supply. Your mind, body, abilities, talents, education, experience, job or profession are all instruments and channels of your prosperity, but God is the Source.

You must do something definite and consistent to keep in touch with that rich Source, if you want to be consistently prospered.

Systematic giving opens the way to systematic receiving. Give through the consistent sharing of your tithes with God’s work and workers at the point or points where you are receiving spiritual help and inspiration. The word TITHE means TENTH and the ancient people felt that TEN was the magic number of increase.

Jacob, at a low point in his life, made a tithe covenant with God, in which he asked for prosperity, guidance, peace of mind and reconciliation with his family. In turn, he promised, “Of all that thou shalt give me, I will surely give the tenth unto thee.” It is little wonder that Jacob became one of the bible’s early millionaires…

Make a COVENANT with God – — what do you want to receive? What are you willing to give?

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