“I will go up to the altar of God
to sing songs of gratitude,
for God gives joy in youth,
joy in middle age
and the greatest joy in old age.
I go joyfully up to God’s holy altar,
not in the chains of obligation,
bowing, foot-dragging dreary, to do some duty,
but to dance drunk in gratitude
before the Source, the Fountain of Joy.
Thank you, O God, for theft proof joy
and ageless idealism.
Thank you for the joy of work
well and honestly done
for the easy yoke of obligations
that are embraced out of love.
Thank you, too, for the joy of wisdom,
gleaned from a glossary
of many mistakes and errors.
I will go up to the altar of God
who gives joy in youth,
in middle years and in old age”
A Lenten Hobo Honeymoon